

364 Uppsatser om Willingness to accept - Sida 1 av 25

Villaägarna som tvingas flytta då LKAB utvidgar brytningen i Malmbergsgruvan

Syftet med denna uppsats är att värdera om fastighetsägarna och de boende på Elevhemsområdet i Malmberget anser att de får rätt ersättning för deras fastigheter av LKAB. Detta har gjorts i form av en enkätundersökning där 57 av 150 hushåll på Elevhemsområdet har deltagit. Hushållen har blivit tillfrågade om deras lägsta accepterade ersättningsnivå för att överlåta villa/tomt till LKAB. Teorin som har använts är minsta kompensationskrav (Willingness to accept, WTA), som visar vad en individ är villig att acceptera i kompensation för att ge upp någon sorts tillgång, i detta fall individens villa/tomt. Hushållen på Elevhemsområdet har fått tre alternativ av LKAB då det aktuella området ska tömmas på grund av att det kommer utgöra ett riskområde.

Ursprungsmärkt : En studie om konsumenters betalningsvilja fo?r ursprungsma?rkta livsmedelsvaror

This bachelor thesis argues for consumers' views on origin labeling effect and their willingness to pay for goods with this kind of label. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence and to measure willingness to pay for a national origin labeled product previously only competeing with a less expensive conventional product, when a further regional product is introduced in the purchasing decisions of consumers. This is achieved by testing whether Simonson's (1989) theory of the compromise effect is applicable to increase consumers' willingness to pay for eco-labeled food products. The factors affecting the willingness to pay; trust in eco- label, opinions about the products of their own nation and the surrounding region. Furthermore presents theory about what underlying the consumer consumption choices.In order to achieve credible results 240 respondents have participated in a questionnaire survey.


The purpose of this thesis is to define and theorise willingness-to-support as a possible measurement of corporate reputation. The knowledge production in this thesis is done through reasoning with companies to gain a deeper understanding of the social world and the respondents? view of their reality. Grounded theory is used as an inspiration for conducting the research. A qualitative method is used in the form of semi-structured interviews with six companies in three different business sectors.

Från retailer till e-tailer: En studie av konsumentattityder

With the fast development of Internet and the e-commerce during the last decades, retailers are now introducing online stores. This has been adopted as a common strategy within the industry and the phenomenon seems likely to increase over time. Theory based on brand extension is used in this study to explain the effects on brand attitude and the link with willingness to pay when a traditional retailer introduces an online store. We execute an experimental study in order to investigate the effects where we use the offline- and online channel as well as two brands with different strengths as independent variables. Results show that brand attitude and its link to willingness to pay transfers to the online channel.

Arkitektonisk kvalitet med fokus på skönhet ? En fallstudie av hyresgästers betalningsvilja för skönhet i Garnisonen

In the Real Estate market there are a large number of commercial properties with offices. As acompany or business you are faced with many decisions when choosing your office space.This bachelor thesis examines the concept of architectural quality with focus on beauty and itsvalue for office tenants. The ambition is to find out if beauty is a decisive factor in theselection of office and if there is a willingness to pay for it.The selected question is studied in a case study of Garnisonen where tenants, a propertyowner and an architect are interviewed, all with connection to the examination object.Garnisonen is well suited as a case study because it is Stockholm's largest office complexwith buildings from three different architectural eras. Tenants in the survey represent allarchitectural styles and have different industry affiliation.As a theoretical framework a literature study is presented where the importance of beauty forthe individual, the built environment and society are treated, and also how the office can beused for branding purposes. The interviewees? views of beauty and their opinions on beauty atwork in Garnisonen are presented in the results.

Vem är normal?

My project is about attitudes towards disabled people, about our fear for those who are different, about acceptance, ideals and normality.My inspiration has been prosthesis, and mostly people that are born without limbs. Through my research I have come across a lot of questions. Such as, why is a prosthesis so important and for whom? Why is it so important to be normal? What is normal and for who? People that are born different se upon themselves as normal, until they realize that others don?t. Many of them want to learn how to deal with life without prosthesis. And therefore they reject these. Sometimes the prosthesis is aids that are highly necessary.

Dissens och förklaringsmisstag inom avtalsrätten

Vårt huvudsyfte med denna uppsats är att förklara dissens och förklaringsmisstag samt tolkningen av dessa. Avtalsrätten bygger på olika principer och teorier som påverkar lagbestämmelser, normer och metoder. Ett av avtalsrättens svåraste problem är bristande överensstämmelse mellan anbud och accept. När dissens föreligger efter avtalsslutet, kan det knappast vara en praktisk lösning att tillämpa huvudprincipen att oren accept innebär avslag i förening med nytt anbud, eftersom avtalet då inte kommit till stånd. Och när ett förklaringsmisstag har begåtts blir det nödvändigt att avgöra om den skall anses utgöra avtalsinnehållet eller vilken innebörd man skall lägga i förklaringen.

Rennäringens kulturella värden : en studie om svenskars preferenser

The Swedish reindeer husbandry has had economic difficulties for some years. Due to this, and the fact that the reindeer husbandry plays an important role in Sámi culture, the Swedish state has chosen to support the industry. If these grants where to be withdrawn, the reindeer husbandry as well as the Sámi culture would decrease, which would cause welfare losses for the people living in Sweden. The aim of this study was to elicit what the Swedes are willing to pay to maintain the amount of reindeer husbandry and Sámi culture. By using Contingent Valuation and a survey the willingness to pay was estimated.

Anbud + Accept = Avtal : - En lämplig modell för ingående av förhandlingsavtal?

Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att utreda huruvida avtalslagens (AvtL) anbud-accept modell är tillämplig vid avtalsslut genom förhandlingar. Denna modell som stadgas i lagens 1 § föreskriver att ett avtal kommer till stånd genom att ett anbud besvaras med en överensstämmande accept. Detta är ett uttryck för den gemensamma partsviljan som är utgångspunkten för avtalsbundenhet i den svenska avtalsrätten. Vid förhandlingar bollas olika förslag fram och tillbaka mellan parterna och dessa förhandlingsbud anses ej som juridiskt bindande. Att försöka passa in detta förfaringssätt i modellens termer av anbud och accept blir därför inte helt lätt vilket medför svårigheter med att avgöra en tidpunkt för avtalsbundenhetens inträde.

Att hjälpa andra trots risk : motivationen i det internationella biståndsarbetet

The purpose of this study is to examine what motivates people to help others at risk to themselves. The focus is on international aid workers, which in their work put themselves in situations of risk. Earlier research shows that international aid work involves risks such as infectious diseases, violence, death threats, assaults, constant insecurity and risk to be traumatized etc. There is not much research done on what motivates to help others in spite of risks, hence we find this an interesting area. We have interviewed six respondents about the content and character of their motivation and factors that are important for the maintenance and development of this motivation.

Inträdes- och utträdesbarriärer : en studie över kunders rörlighet på den privata bankmarknaden

The purpose of this thesis is to map out and investigate how the banking sector affects a customer?s willingness to change bank, and what the switching costs are for a customer when making these changes. A case study was performed through qualitative and quantitative questionnaires and interviews. The qualitative part was carried out to create hypotheses. The hypotheses was tested in a quantitative survey to be able to either accepted or rejected these them.

Faktorer som bidrar till sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt gentemot patienter med HIV/AIDS : en litteraturstudie

HIV/AIDS is a chronic disease that has increased and will continue to increase. Most health care workers will one way or another come into contact with it. The purpose of this literature review was to describe factors contributing to nurses' attitudes towards patients with HIV/AIDS. Sixteen articles were analyzed and quality assessed. The results revealed gaps in knowledge among nurses.

Värdet av tystnad : en värderingsstudie över Upplands Väsbybornas betalningsvilja för reducerat flygbuller

Since the spring 2003 the tenant-owner home association the Terrace in Upplands Väsby municipality lies straight under the approach route to Arlanda Airport?s new third landing chute. Noise levels of over 70 dB have been measured in the area, which exceeds National Board of Housing?s, values for traffic noise at a terrace in connection to housing. By using the method of hedonisk pricing the essay tries to find out if there exists a willingness to pay to reduce the noise in the area.

Revisorns etiska dilemma,var går gränsen för oberoende?

Law and regulations regulate the auditors? independence. An auditor should not only be independent in general, but independence in fact and independence in appearance. However, the regulations do not specifically describe how to act independence. It is the concerns of the auditor were he puts his limit for the independence.

Vem köper KlimatEl och varför? : Kvantitativ undersökning av Kalmar Energis elhandelskunder

Private individuals can voluntarily buy EU Allowances (EUA) in order to remove them from the European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading System (EU ETS). It leads to progressive reduction of total carbon dioxide emissions in Europe. Kalmar Energi offers customers to obtain one EUA (equivalent to one ton of CO2) per year by paying 25 SEK a month as a KlimatEl-supplement. The purpose of this research is to examine the customers? attitudes in the issue of climate compensation and trying to define the reasons behind their choices.The results of the quantitative questionnaire were analyzed by using descriptive and analytical statistical methods and have shown some correlation between customers? ages and decisions to accept or not the offer of KlimatEl.

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